Proud finalist at the CIOB Construction Manager of the Year Awards

Nominated by the architect, JM Architects, for a project he recently delivered in Kirkby Lonsdale, we are delighted that Mark Prince has made the shortlist at the CIOB Construction Manager of the Year Awards 2020.

Initiated in 1978, the Construction Manager of the Year Awards (CMYA) celebrates the achievements of those who inspire, lead and enable the very best delivery of a project and produce buildings that have a positive impact on those who use them.

Mark joined Eric Wright Construction back in May 2007 and has been instrumental in the delivery of many projects over the last 13 years.  He has worked with some great teams both within the business and some memorable clients and consultants outside of the Eric Wright Group and leaves a lasting impression wherever he goes.

Not only does he ensure that the project is delivered on time and within budget, but he often goes above and beyond and this was certainly the case at the Queen Elizabeth School in Kirkby Lonsdale.  With the school remaining fully operational throughout, it was important to Mark that he built up a good rapport with not only the teachers and staff but also the pupils.  His first interaction with the pupils was to supply the school sports team with new branded PE kits out of his project CSR budget.  He then reached out to the local church to donate free pallets for their annual bonfire night.  He held regular assemblies and seminars with the pupils to educate them on the different build stages and the many roles that exist within the delivery team.  Finally, he also sponsored a local resident’s charity night and all of his efforts earned Mark his well-deserved Considerate Constructors Performance Beyond Compliance certificate.

Due to COVID-19, this year’s CMYA selection process was slightly different with no site visits and interviews via Skype rather than in person.  However, these awards still remain the most rigorously judged in the industry and a unique barometer for management talent in the construction sector.  To reach the final is a major achievement and a sure sign that the very highest level of professionalism is on show.

We wish Mark good luck for the final which is due to be held in November where finalists will be whittled down to one gold winner in each category.  The overall winner is then selected from the gold medal winners in each category.

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Picture – Queen Elizabeth Studio School in Kirkby Lonsdale and Mark on-site and in the cabins with school pupils

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